Terms of Submissions and contributions
Publication Terms and Conditions
The research should mainly focus on the MENA region.
The Forum does not take part of the ideological polarization in the region; therefore, researchers should abide by complete impartiality and objectivity during the research process.
Submitted papers should not contain hate speech, insults, or defamation of a person, an institution, a country, a religious or an ethnic group, nor any indecent terminology.
All submitted papers are required to be exclusive to the Arab Policy Forum:
The researcher is required to refer to the Forum when publishing the article or part of it on other platforms and has to mention the link of the Forum: www.alsiasat.com.
Researchers should comply with recognized norms of research ethics.
In return, the Forum is ethically committed to respect the research confidentiality and has the obligation to notify the researcher before disclosing any information related to the papers submitted to it.
The Forum welcomes all proposals and research topics; however, it does not have the obligation to publish all the research contributions it receives.
All submitted papers are subject to scientific evaluation and arbitration by the forum’s scientific committee, which can send its comments and require revisions to the researcher before the final approval for publication.
Upon acceptance of the final version of the article, the forum can adjust the content of the paper for the purpose of further clarification, linguistic editing or to correct a historical or scientific inaccuracy, and has the right to remove the parts that do not respect scientific guidelines.
If the paper is accepted and published, the Forum is committed to pay a financial reward to the researcher; initially determined by the forum’s scientific committee.
Research papers should be consistent with the principles of scientific research and its methodologies.
Research papers must include the following fundamentals:
An Abstract (up to 200 words)
A clear introduction
A problematic
Objectives and the purpose of the study
Research hypotheses
A research methodology
Main themes and chapters supporting the hypotheses
The latest literature review
Results and Conclusions (and future prospects)
The research length should not be less than 5000 word/ ( Policy Papers and Analytical Reports should not be less than 2500 words).
Papers should be well-edited in English language and should adhere to grammar and spelling rules, a clear punctuation, and paragraph formatting as much as possible.
Researchers must respect citations and referencing guidelines:
Citations should not include unreliable nor press references.
Only official, academic sources and previous studies that adhere to scientific research standards are accepted as reliable references.
Research papers should adhere to the standards of scientific integrity, include no plagiarism from other sources, and always attribute the information that was listed in the body of paper to its initial indication according to Harvard style of documentation (author’s name, year of publication, title, part, edition number, publisher, place of publication, page number).
Long URL links should be shortened.
Research papers should be submitted via the following e-mail: [email protected], or via our Web page on our website www.alsiasat.com.